Author: Jacob Horn

The Fall 2020 Plan

Hello, Hartford writers!

As we begin to get ready for a new semester of educational endeavor, the Writing Center is gearing up to provide you with the help you need to produce your best writing. With the need to practice social distancing and wear masks, particularly as the weather begins to cool, we have decided that in-person sessions are likely to be ineffective.

It has been a tough decision, as it seems that the online sessions are less commonly used by student writers. We want to be here for you and we want you (and our staff) to be safe, which is the most important aspect of all this.

We will have our two primary online consultation strategies available for you to pick from, both of which you can read about on our Online Consultations webpage–we have videos explaining how things work there as well.

The center opens on September 14th, and we look forward to seeing you–virtually, at least–again soon!

A Finished Spring Semester

Well, that was a wild ride–thanks so much to all of our consultants who stuck out this tough circumstance and many thanks as well to our visiting writers who came to speak with us about their work!

Starting in July our CAP/SSS writing assistant program will begin, and we’ll have regular hours for those students. We look forward to helping out with the FYW work that the students take on!

In the fall our full schedule will return with regular hours, and we’ll host them either in-person or virtually, as the situation warrants. We look forward to helping you make your way through the writing projects you take on then!

The Online Writing Center Experience

Well, it’s here. We at the Writing Center remain open to assist you with your projects, and we’ve got some videos to help you find your way through our systems. You can visit those at our Online Consultations page!

If you find yourself struggling to navigate, during our normal hours someone should be available to speak with you–there’s a messaging app in the bottom right of our pages that should connect you to someone who can help you.

And if you’re ever in doubt or difficulties, don’t hesitate to email me! I’ll do my best to get back to you as soon as possible:

We’re going to make it through this–and we look forward to working with you on your writing!

Open for Spring

Hello, Hartford writers!

We are open for the spring semester and look forward to chatting with you about your work! You can make an appointment by clicking on our scheduler on the front page or visiting us at

Come write with us!

Another Excellent Semester Finished!

We had a bumper semester with more than 400 visits to our center, and we appreciate being able to offer you all another perspective on your writing. We will be back in the spring, so look for us to open again on February 3rd.


Best of luck with your finals!

Open for the Fall!

The Writing Center is now open for the fall semester of 2019!

We look forward to seeing you and your writing–remember that you can bring any kind of writing to the center, and that you don’t have to have any amount of work done. We’ll help you whatever you bring to us.

Give Us Some Feedback!

We hope you’ve had a lovely spring semester and that our services have been helpful to you in your projects. As you’re moving toward finals, we would really appreciate any additional feedback you have on the kinds of assistance you’ve been able to get from us. One of our consultants, Ahmed, came up with a form you can use to give us your thoughts on what we’ve done and what we can do better.

You can find the form HERE.

Open for the Spring

The Writing Center is open for the Spring of 2019!

We look forward to seeing you here, and we have a number of exciting events coming, alongside helping you with whatever writing you have. Remember, we want you to succeed, so we will pay careful attention to the needs of whatever project you’re involved with. Every session is unique, and every discussion focuses on where you are and what you have.

We hope to see you soon!

Closed for Winter Break

Hello, Hartford writers!

We hope you have had an excellent fall semester and have enjoyed working with your projects for the last few months. We are now closed for the break and will be back to you in the spring semester–on February 4th, to be precise.

Have a safe and happy holiday, and come back to us next year with all of your writing concerns!

Open for the Fall

The Writing Center is now open, and we encourage you to bring your writing of any kind to us. We’re happy to discuss it no matter what phase of your process you are in, so bring in assignments or drafts, revisions or commentary, and we’ll work through it with you.

We look forward to seeing you soon!